Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Being logical is must be honest AND logical

What do these have in common? 

God The Father in Heaven

King of Nineveh (right after the flood)
Alexander The Great
Ghengis Khan
Ceasar Augustus
Chairman Mao

God the Father the creator is the creator of all that is good. So what could He possibly have to do with these completly evil and vile despots?

God the Father "Is." He is "The Great I Am." All good and love flows from Him. 

The evil despots take their cue from satan himself, who in turn takes his cue from watching and knowing God the Father. In satan's case, at one time a perfect seraphim that became all that is evil, he became the ultimate evil. 

But still what does he have to do with God?

Good question. Even being the ultimate evil, satan and all of the evil despots will still follow the Lord in certain things. 

They all are unified for their own cause. All that follow them, albeit for different reasons then we follow the Lord. Evil, demands obedience through lies and the fear that they will be killed if they don't "unite." Even the devil knows that you cannot accomplish anything through anarchy. There must be some assemblance of organization to get anything done. Do you remember the tower of Babel? What was the one thing that was done to completely destroy their ability to build? Confuse their speech so that there was no understanding or trust and faith in one another. So they all disbanded and went their separate ways and the tower, the building of all buildings, was destroyed through lack of unity and disorganization.

God is organized from the very throne of God to the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. He is the Master of all things...He is not random. When the Lord creates, He creates in an orderly manner. He is the very essence of order. From the very order of the creation of the earth...all things are orderly. From the very beginning, God set up order. He is the Alpha and Omega, and everything in between.

Ok, ok, but still what does this have to do with anything about God?

Now lets look at the other group. The despots. Lets take Hitler because we know about him probably the most of all of them. Hitler from the very beginning of his life was very well educated, he was involved in politics and involved in culture from the arts to music. When he undertook anything, he did it in a organized manner. And for him, if  people did not listen to his orders they would disappear. But the key things that are most important is that he was always organized. His people had the same color shirts, the same color skin, the same uniforms, and most importantly the same ideology throughout the build up of his movement. All his followers from the military to even the civilians. Now whether the civilians thought he was going to create jobs or make their economy better does not matter. They were unified. They were unified in all things, even if they might disagree with what the head might do they still remained unified.

When Martin Luther came on the scene, he introduced the idea of self, instead of unity. Self, then, became the army of one, self ruling, self governing, self deciding of all things. It did not matter what level of education you had, or if you studied, or if you cared at all. Which then became painfully evident in the pure anarchy of the French Revolution. 

What he did was release one of the most virulent viruses on the world since original sin itself. But actually it is a copy of the original sin..."I can decide what is right, even if God himself tells me not to touch the tree...". Luther not only touched the tree, he chopped it down and sold it whole sale under the idea that it does not matter, "here everyone, have a piece" or in translation, "here, everyone have a bite..." I guess you could say that was the second crunch that was heard around the world.

Is it just a coincidence that the Lord said, "In the house of David" or "In the line of Melchizedek." These are organized structures. Not only were they organized, but these were established for all time.  He did not change his mind or say "Moses, you are not the leader of the children of Israel any longer since you struck the rock." No, Moses had to pay for that on his own, not by being replaced by another fallible leader or even anarchy. 

Christ gave St. Peter the keys, and told him that he was the rock, and Christ was going to build His church on him. First, why do you need a foundation if there is nothing going on but anarchy? Then it would be every Christian for himself, and all are free to think or interpret anyway they see fit. 

Their thought is their silver bullet or at least what they think their silver bullet is. All they have to do is invoke the Holy Spirit's name. It is a version of name dropping, or taking The Lord's name in vain. There are those that will tell people all manner of lies and historical inaccuracies and all they have to do is say "The Holy Spirit told me." They do not believe what Christ said about building His church on St. Peter. They do not believe there is anyone in charge, even though all of known and unknown history God always has a hierarchy and he does not change this even if the leader (King David, King Solomon, St. Peter, etc) are not perfect. No, they are not perfect, and yes, they are still in charge. 

Remember, King David was an adulterous murderer. But our Lord still calls himself "from the house of David." Which eliminates  any idea that The Lord would ever change his mind once he sets forth his leaders.

Summary: We know that God is consistent and God sets up visible authorities that guide His people and to whom His people must answer.

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